Once you are touched by the phoenix, you are never the same.
The Phoenix Game is the world’s first game of philosophy, cherished by seekers and unassuming individuals alike in order to glean insight into life’s questions. Played alone, one-to-one, or in groups the game provides a framework for question-asking and interpretation using a game board and a deck of 26 cards.
Created by the French philosopher Vincent Cespedes, Le Jeu du Phenix (The Phoenix Game) was printed for the first time in 2011 in France. Inspired by the phoenix in their own lives, two friends would undertake the journey of bringing The Phoenix Game to the English-speaking world.

Suzanne and Emma are emissaries of The Phoenix Game who agreed, together, to birth a new edition of the game in the English-speaking world. The two friends met in a distant-learning program to become facilitators of Integrated Processing Technique and immediately knew they were kindred spirits. Soon after completing the program, Suzanne travelled to France for one year to embark on an adventure of self-discovery. While in France Suzanne attended a soirée that would change her life forever. At the soirée Suzanne was invited to play the Jeu du Phenix and found herself awash in wonder as she pulled cards filled with imagery and story. It was magic. The cards told her everything her soul had been longing for her to know and she felt the truth of the message in her bones and blood and heart.
The next day she purchased the game and followed the call into the realm of mystery. Her time in France was henceforth colored with thoughtful and sometimes raucous group games fostering philosophical discussions along with solitary, reflective games in the quiet of her apartment. Le Jeu du Phenix, French for Phoenix Game, captivated and illuminated her mind and soul as she pulled cards and sipped tea in the sidewalk cafés around Paris. Upon her return to Southern California, Suzanne transported as many games as she could carry and so began her journey to bring the Jeu du Phenix to the English-speaking world.
Emma, meanwhile, was in Minnesota, opening herself to the call of transformation and rebirth. Her introduction to The Phoenix Game happened how one might expect with such a game of magic and wonder, through synchronicity and Providence. One day, with much deliberation, she set the intention to embark on a path of great meaning and expansion. The following day she received a phone call from Suzanne. “Are you ready to experience a wild adventure?” asked Suzanne. “Let’s do this!”, replied Emma. And so, a partnership was born.
Since that moment Emma and Suzanne have been playing and mastering the game in fun, creative, and practical ways. In the beginning, they thought they were business owners. They soon learned that The Phoenix Game is a living force of nature that cannot be owned. Now they self-identify as ambassadors, in service to the greater good of humanity by bringing a game of French philosophy to all corners of the land. Their role is to make the introduction. They would like for you to meet The Phoenix Game so that you, too, may experience the magic and mystery of transformation through play.