You are being visited by the phoenix, master of change and bearer of the fires of transformation. This rare, mythical creature is beckoning you into the fire or, perhaps, alerting you to the already rising flames at your feet. Flame 13 is the most powerful card in the deck and is both shocking and charming all at once. This is the nature of the phoenix itself, who radiates splendor equivalent to the sun, before bursting into fiery flames, is reduced to ash, and rises once again to become stronger than before. What must die, will go. What must live, will be born. This is the spiral of transformation, a death and rebirth cycle that bestows growth, power, and realized potential. Expect that the flames will be hot and the rising up will be glorious.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Where there is stagnation, light the fire of transformation. You are acting as the phoenix, using the power of the flame to burn away what must go. Understand that what is dying is also being reborn. Remember, a phoenix always rises.
Key descriptors:
Rebirth, regeneration, transformation, metamorphosis, invigoration, renewal, arising, liberation, enlightenment, freedom.
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Energy
Incompatible: 13 is not incompatible with any other flame. 13 is always played in the upright. It turns all other cards into charm through the power of transformation.