7. Dragon
The Dragon represents inflammatory language, fury, explosion, adversity, and conflict. When the Dragon breathes fire we feel the heat of its anger and rage. If the Dragon card has appeared today, take a look at your relationship with anger. Have you been keeping your anger inside? Allowing it to fester or escape in ways that are ineffective? The Dragon card may be calling you to be direct in your communication, even at the risk of becoming inflammatory. Or, on the other hand, it is possible that the Dragon is calling your attention to the fury and conflict of a situation, warning you to beware of a volcano about to erupt. Is there a dragon in your life? Perhaps a situation is exploding with conflict? Whether you have become the Dragon, or you are in proximity to the Dragon, this is an opportunity for you to assess, express, or expect anger and hostility.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Express anger. Be direct in your communication. Dragons are not afraid of their own power, or what the villagers think about their fire. Face confrontation head-on. Be raw, use inflammatory language if necessary, and express your feelings in their entirety. Be the dragon and breathe fire.
Key Descriptors:
Anger, conflict, rage, hostility, fury, contempt, malice, gossip, harsh words, words as weapons, bully, inflammatory speech, verbal aggression, unrestrained honest communication that feels shocking.
Is there a need to express myself without restraint or without care for who is hurt in the process?
How do I typically express my anger or frustration?
Am I the subject of someone’s harsh words, inflammatory language, character defamation, or anger?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Goal
Incompatible: 7 <> 19: Dragon (ugly rage) / Pearl (elegant gift)