-21. Glue
The Glue card represents overindulgence, lassitude, routine, and excess. It is the teenager who loves donuts so much that she has them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is the stagnant employee who stays at her job because it pays well and is easy. It represents any situation that is just sweet enough that we become stuck in it. On the card we see a purple butterfly stuck to a red flower on the man’s chest. The butterfly has landed onto the flower, attracted by the sweet pollen, only to find itself trapped in stickiness. If the Glue card has visited you today, ask yourself if you have become lazy, asleep, or complacent. Are you settling for a life of mundane routine, just because you are unwilling to get outside of your comfort zone? Remember, the only difference between drowning in water and drowning in honey is a sweeter demise.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Stay comfortable. Take the path of least resistance. The Glue card has appeared to encourage the continuation of what you already know and enjoy. Rest, relax, and fulfill your desires. This is your comfort zone. Stay awhile on this pleasurable plateau.
Key descriptors:
Addiction, patterns of routine or complacency, lethargy, numb comfort, illness, pleasure that becomes poisoned, distortion, paralyzation, status quo, laziness, sticky sweetness, spoiled.
Have my pleasures become a numbing comfort?
Am I taking the easy route, choosing to stay comfortable?
Have I become dependent, complacent, or addicted to a person or aspect of life?
Am I acting in opposite accordance of that which I desire?
Conversely, am I being asked to relax, get comfortable, and stick to what I know?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Energy
Incompatible: -21 <> -8: Glue (overindulgence, sticky) / Lotus (Return to Self, open)